Monday, May 7, 2012

art event

The first SMP exhibition and lectures contained the work of Remina Greenfield, Elise Keilik and Laura Hausheer.
Remina’s work focused on the digital personas that, as individuals of the digital generation, we are constantly presenting to the outside world. She expressed this through digital video projections of peers that she took and processed so that their faces were made up of moving images of their browsing history and online profiles.
Remina’s work includes both the modern idea of cyber stalking with older ideas of personas and the faces we present to the outside world.
He work was isolated in a cubic area with projectors mounted on the ceiling projecting on the 4 walls of her space. This created a really interesting environment in which the viewer was enveloped by her projections. This sucked the viewer into the cyber space that she was exploring and heightened the sense of voyeurism that is present in many peoples interaction with the Internet.
Her work was interesting to me in that it created a unique and familiar but unfamiliar environment. I am interested in how people interact with space and how environmental factors like light and movement can affect a person’s interaction and experience with the space.
Elise’s work explored the everyday life of the miniature universe that she created. In the first semester we were introduced to her dollhouse of horrors. In the second semester we were given small glimpses into other aspects of her doll house and the greater outside universe that it inhabits.
She created her environment using found objects and creatively assembled them in purposes not befitting their nature to replicate familiar views. She then captured her space using a camera with a very particular depth of field.
The work itself wasn’t very original in that it reminded me of ISPY picture books that were prevalent when I was a child. In the books, the author team creates miniature environments using repurposed objects and through word play the read is guided through the space while looking for specific objects.
Laura created a children’s’ book for her smp. She also designed this whimsical reading area where people could come into the gallery and read her book.
He work had both a performative aspect when she read it to a group of children and formal aspect of environmental design and illustration.
Laura’s story dealt with a young girl who is forming her identity. The main character leaves home for the big city and tries on many hats until she finds the one that fits her best.
Laura used paper cuts for her illustrations. The quality of the paper cuts translates well to children’s illustrations and provides enough visual interest to keep the person reading the book to children interested. 

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